Get the new Jim Butcher hardcover for the price of a paperback!

Don't know if Roc is imitating Gollancz, but it's the second time in the last couple of months (the first title to be offered at such a discount was Guy Gavriel Kay's Under Heaven) that one of their books can be purchased so cheaply.

At the moment, the #1 New York Times bestseller Changes by Jim Butcher (Canada, USA, Europe) can be bought at 58% off on and at 49% off on its UK counterpart! Nothing of the sort of Amazon's Canadian site. . .

So if you wish to purchase more Harry Dresden adventures on the cheap, now's your chance!

2 commentaires:

taterpie said...

This is just a side effect of the Amazon/WalMart/Target bestseller price war. They all made this book like, $12 or less as it's one that's likely to loss-lead people to other purchases.

Nick said...

Drat, you mean I didn't have to pay the $25 for it a month ago? Oh well, it was worth the buy.